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4 Reasons Why Eating Fat Won't Make You Fat

Jenan Kurdi Biuk

Updated: Mar 8, 2022

All Fats are Not Created Equal

All this studying of fats and fatty acids has left us with the knowledge that all fats are not created equal. First of all, stay away from trans fats altogether. They promote inflammation and are just awful for you overall. The healthy fats you want in your diet are the monounsaturated, found in olive oil, avocado, flaxseed oil, and nuts, and the polyunsaturated in the form of omega-3s, like fatty fish (tuna and salmon), walnuts, eggs, and chia seeds. (Skip polyunsaturated in the form of processed vegetable oils like canola, sunflower, and safflower, which are made up of mostly omega-6 fatty acids.) These healthy fats are linked to strong immunity, improved cardiovascular functioning, reduced inflammation, and improved brain functioning.

Fat Helps you Absorb Vitamins

Eating fat helps your body absorb the fat soluble vitamins A, D, E and K. The deal is this: fat in your meal is going to help your body take in fat soluble vitamins. Your body stores excess fat-soluble vitamins (which is why over doing them in pill form can be toxic) in your liver and fat cells and then uses them as needed.They are released slowly over time (unlike water soluble vitamins, which are excreted pretty quickly if you have enough in your system).

Fats Can Actually Help You Lose Weight

It may not make sense to you, but dietary fat actually helps pull stored fat out of your cells to use for energy. Eating fat boosts metabolic health and helps to break down stored fat to get it out of your system. Say it out loud: fat helps you burn fat. Fat is also your preferred energy source, so if you’re just hanging out, fat is the fuel that keeps your eyes blinking, heart beating and lungs respiring.

Fat Keeps you Feeling Satisfied

Think back to your high school chemistry class. Carbs are made up of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen molecules with simple single bonds connecting them.These bonds are easily broken, and nutrients are quickly pulled into your blood. Not the case with our healthy fats! Fats have complicated double bonds, which require more time to break down in your belly and travel into your blood. This boosts satiety and keeps you full. More satisfaction helps us to eat less, which is the first lesson in How to Lose Weight 101 and rock a healthy body.

In case you need a little inspiration here are a few ways to get in fat at every meal:

Breakfast: Almond butter on ezekial toast

Lunch: Avocado on kale salad with sunflower seeds and olive oil

Dinner: Grilled salmon over quinoa and sautéed red and yellow peppers

Enjoy fats as part of your healthy breakfast, healthy snacks, and overall healthy diet Happy, healthy eating!

Adopted from the functional nutrition alliance

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